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Should I quit my job if I am not happy?

[fa icon="calendar"] May 26, 2016 3:11:24 AM / by G.


It’s not uncommon for employees to have a bad day or two, or week. And it’s pretty common for the average person to have different points of views with your boss or co-worker from time to time. But how can you tell if it’s just a “bad day” or if it is something more serious?

Should I quit my job if I am not happy

I quit several jobs in my life and I think that everyone should know when to quit. While leaving a position can present an inconvenience to your personal life, it may be the best option for your long-term satisfaction.

Often I asked myself, in my previous working experiences, the question in the title of this blog post:


Should I quit my job if I am not happy?


In my case I could not afford to resign from one day to the other, I still had to pay my bills and I could not afford to be unemployed. Moreover I am not the kind of person that makes such important decisions without taking some time to think in depth about it.

So I asked myself:

  1. Am I not happy in my job because of the working environment or because I do not like my job?
  2. If I find another job, will I be happier?

If the answers to these two questions were, “I do not like my job” and “Yes” then I passed to the next step.

The next step consists in going deeper because even if it seems like I had to quit my job because I was not happy, most of the times we do not take into account many variables that play an important role in our life.

In my case I thought about the overall working ethic in the country I was at that time, the odds to find a new job, how luckily would have been to get a better salary…

What I understood was that probably I would have been unhappy and unsatisfied even though I found another job.

So the I got to the conclusion that the answer to “should I quit my job because I am not happy” was:

“I should move to another country where I can find the opportunities and the conditions that I want, if I just quit my job, I will probably find the same environment I  want to leave behind me”.


Download the checklist with:   the 10 signs you should leave your job



Maybe you can find inspiration from this other article: hobbies that can turn into a profession.

Topics: life, job, change, career


Written by G.