Digital marketing mentor for creative Irish entrepreneurs.

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

How creative entrepreneurs can shape a digital marketing plan with zero resources.

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 12, 2016 8:30:48 PM / by G. posted in marketing strategy, smart, Inbound marketing, plan

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When you are talking about marketing communications, you are also talking about engagement and increasing your customer base. Unless you have a large amount of savings or someone that will pay your bills until you are able to make money out of your new business, you probably don’t have a lot to spend on marketing.

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In the pursuit of measurable and pragmatic online goals for creative entrepreneurs.

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 7, 2016 1:00:00 PM / by G. posted in obejectives, smart, goal, plan

[fa icon="comment"] 0 Comments


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